“all lives matter”

I appreciate the fact that people love to actively voice their opinions, but those purely outsider perspectives on situations that do not pertain to them, is why this country is struggling to address the issue at hand: that black people are disproportionately the victim of severe social backlash, as has been the case for centuries. Our country was first founded on a system that enslaved human beings, treating them as property rather people. This principle that idealized violent atrocities, with sole rationale that the color of your skin determines your status as a person, brought forth xenophobic feelings that today still exists. Even after the promises of emancipation, black people were never truly free, as they continued being discriminated against solely because they were black? How can America claim to be a haven of equality when even today people are still holding the same prejudices that founded this country in the 17oo’s. And then there was talk that since we already had our civil rights movement in the 1960’s, that the fight for racial equality has been outlived. All I want to say about that is BULLSHIT. When I tune into CNN or go on New York Times and click on the news tab, all I see are the articles stacking up about the many cases reflecting a flawed system. I see police brutality taking more lives, and comments lashing out on black people, who are unjustifiably being scrutinized for few instances of physical action against the inherently racist attitudes of fellow Americans. How could you blame them for taking these approaches when they have been consistently peaceful, and still they are met with hatred in every aspect of their lives. So it’s completely natural when a white person is charged with a low fine for the same illegal act that would land a black person in jail?  Black people walk into grocery stores only to find that they are followed, already labeled as a thief just because of the color of their skin. They reach into their pockets and people’s stomachs turn, only to find relief when they realize it was a phone, not a weapon. These so-called “subtle” feelings towards human beings is why we can never dictate this country as equal. It is when every person decides to vocalize an opinion that represents other people, and take additional action towards the issue, when actual change can become a reality. I am tired of hearing people sit behind their television screens, uttering the words “all lives matter,” when behind that device black lives are being wasted since no one is taking any action against this absolute tyranny based on race. I am fed up with the argument that racism stopped with the results of the 2008 election, just because the country elected its first black president. I want to see legal solutions occur, followed by a mindset of Americans, recognizing every single person as their own equal. And that occurs from the very roots of this country. People need to stand up and say they are tired of seeing their neighbors, who despite stemming from the same class as them, are still identified as an offender in every function of society. People. Does that word automatically isolate one race against another? Or is that your own prejudice feelings shadowing a word that was meant to be exclusive to all. This country has every potential to live by what it projects, so I urge it to start functioning as something more than a mere product of advertisements to other nations. It needs to begin thinking about the people who literally built the nation, and take additional steps towards helping them reach the level of benefits that white men are simply born with. It needs to stop barricading any chances at society’s evolution, hiding behind such ignorant words that are just convenient to their own dissatisfaction that the light is not shining on their path. We are all people. Every single one of us. And so it is time we join our efforts to ensure that black people, the constant victims of a mass prejudice, are purely treated with respect to their own unique personalities, rather denominations due to the color of their skin.